How to Use Exodus Web3 Wallet

  1. Download and Install: Visit the official Exodus Wallet website and download the application for your preferred platform. Follow the installation instructions.
  2. Create a New Wallet: When you first open Exodus, you'll have the option to create a new wallet. Follow the setup wizard, which will include generating a recovery phrase. Safeguard this phrase.
  3. Add Cryptocurrencies: Add cryptocurrencies to your wallet by clicking on the "Wallet" tab and selecting "Add More." Choose the cryptocurrencies you want to manage.
  4. Receive and Send: To receive funds, select the cryptocurrency and click "Receive." Share the generated address with the sender. To send funds, click "Send" and enter the recipient's address.
  5. Exchange Cryptocurrencies: Use the built-in exchange feature to trade one cryptocurrency for another directly within the wallet.
  6. Portfolio Management: Monitor your portfolio's performance by navigating to the "Portfolio" tab. Check balances, transactions, and historical data.